People United to Advance the Dream Mobile, Inc.

33 Years & Counting!!!

Believe it or not People United to Advance the Dream Mobile, Inc., has been around for 33 Years. We have the same heart to serve,  just a clearer vision.

Here is a message from our President, Rev. David E. Edwards on our revised mission.

      Our Programs

Advance the Employment

Our leaders have recognized that people want to work. It is a company’s responsibility to take care of its employees and that starts with the moment a company asks an applicant to complete an application.

Advance the Numbers

The financial literacy workshops that People United to Advance the Dream Mobile, Inc. are different because we will provide budgeting guidelines based on the percentages of industry experts.  

Advance the Vote

P.U.A.D. Mobile Board Members escort high school students to Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. Here students will learn how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (gave the order to march) along with Hosea Williams,  the Southern Christian Council and John Lewis, to uniting people in the protest to advance voting rights. 

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